Conversational Skills Workshop and Reflection on Himachal Pradesh Floods

Conversational Skills Workshop and Reflection on Himachal Pradesh Floods


Today, an enlightening event unfolded within the premises of our esteemed school, initiated by our revered Founder Principal & Director, Madam Kusum Rana. The occasion commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, symbolizing the illumination of knowledge and wisdom.


The event, a Conversational Skills Workshop, masterfully hosted by Mrs. Manisha Aggarwal, aimed to foster meaningful dialogues between parents and their children, where various facets of effective communication were explored, emphasizing the importance of nurturing an environment of care and love to encourage children to express themselves openly. Additionally, discussions centered on adopting a holistic approach towards the development of children, acknowledging their multifaceted needs and aspirations.


During the workshop, parents were provided with insights by Madam Kusum Rana, into the evaluation system practiced at our school, exemplified through the report card of the Viveka Foundations. This served to showcase our commitment to holistic development, as students are assessed based on the comprehensive 18-point programme, ensuring their overall growth and well-being.


Transitioning to a pressing agenda, the discussion shifted towards the recent devastating floods that ravaged Himachal Pradesh. Through a compelling speech and a poignant poem narrated by Mr. Shashaank Sood, parents were confronted with the harsh realities of the calamity and its profound impact on the state. The session aimed to raise awareness and evoke a sense of urgency regarding the need to address environmental concerns and strive towards building a sustainable future for generations to come.


The culmination of the event featured a heartfelt rendition of the poem by our Music teacher, Mr. Ajay Thapa, underscoring the emotional resonance of the message conveyed. His soulful performance served as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility we share in safeguarding our planet and fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature.


In conclusion, the Conversational Skills Workshop and reflection on the Himachal Pradesh floods served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and introspection, highlighting the importance of proactive engagement in addressing societal challenges and nurturing a community committed to positive change.


Viveka Foundations

A school with a Vision